Veterinary Blog
Should You Spay or Neuter Your Pet? A Look at a Common Pet Surgery
Pet owners don’t typically need any extra convincing when it comes to controlling the number of unwanted litters. Indeed, by spaying or neutering pets, the benefits to communities and neighborhoods are far-reaching. Equally important, however, are the many ways this common pet surgery affects overall health, behavior, and even longevity.
The Importance of Pet Dental Health Month
Pet dental health is so vital to overall wellness that it actually gets an entire month dedicated to it. Yes, February marks National Pet Dental Health Month, a fact we couldn’t be happier about!
While many pet owners simply shrug off stinky dog or cat breath as a part of life, we can assure you that it’s actually a red flag that something is amiss in the mouth. If left alone, a variety of problems could develop, threatening your pet’s health.
New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners
Lose weight. Create a budget. Take up a hobby. Spend more time with loved ones. These are some of the many common New Year’s resolutions that top people’s lists. But let’s face it, most of us don’t get too far with resolutions (especially the less exciting ones).
Thankfully, if you’re a proud pet owner, we have some exciting things to focus on when you pen those necessary goals. How about a list of resolutions for pet owners focused on your furry pal?
A Year in the Making: Our Top 5 Pet Blogs of 2017
What a great year it has been! As we reflect upon 2017 and all of the wonderful pet patents and families we have met in our practice, we can’t help but feel thankful. It is always our pleasure to offer exceptional care to your special pet companion, and to help create the best quality of life possible.
Part of how we do this is through our blog. Our goal for the blog is to help encourage better health and wellbeing for pets, and in turn, enhance their day-to-day life through pet owner education. We hope you have enjoyed these informational posts as much as we have enjoyed writing them.
Without further ado, here are Arlington Animal Hospital’s most popular pet blogs of 2017.
‘Tis the Season for Holiday Pet Safety Reminders
The holiday season has finally arrived, and the excitement of shopping, baking, decorating, and planning is upon us. Pets are not likely to share in our revelry, as many of the seasonal delights we love can cause undue stress for them, or pose significant danger to their health.
Bone up on our holiday pet safety tips to make this the best season ever for your family (both two-legged and four)!
Do You See What I See? Pet Eye Health
The eyes are the windows to the soul, and if you’ve ever peered into your pet’s sweet gaze, you probably agree. Keeping your pet’s eyes healthy is an important task for all pet owners, and at Arlington Animal Hospital, we take pet eye health very seriously.
Common Pet Eye Problems
There are many different eye problems that we diagnose in pets. Common issues include:
Leptospirosis: Is There a Risk to Your Dog?
It may not be a name that rolls off of the tongue, or one that is as common as parvo; however, Leptospirosis (‘lepto’) is on the rise and is one of the more serious offenders when to comes to contagious illnesses in our pets. In cities across the United States, we have seen a steady increase in the number of lepto cases, including in the Arlington area.
The Arlington team wants you to better understand leptospirosis in dogs, what lepto is about, the signs of infection, and what you can do to prevent this serious disease.
Lepto 411
Leptospirosis is caused by the Leptospira bacteria, which is a spiral organism known as spirochetes, and is shed through infected animals (via water, soil, or direct contact). While dogs who spend time in outdoor or rural areas are more at risk, we are now finding an increasing prevalence of lepto in urban areas, too. This is due to several reasons, including an increase in infected rodents and other small mammals that spread leptospirosis in areas where pets play.
Confident Canine: Why Training and Socialization Matters for all Dogs
There’s nothing quite like a confident, well-behaved, and happy dog. Their enthusiastic tail-wagging can bring a smile to every dog lover. But dogs do not just innately know how to behave, how to play well with others, and how to be a good canine citizen in a very big world. All dogs need training and socialization to set them off on the right paw.
Training is more than just a few basic commands (although these are essential); it is your pet’s form of lifelong education, instilling the confidence and understanding needed to have a healthy life. Learn more about why we at Arlington Animal Hospital encourage all dog owners to put importance on training and socialization – the keys to your pet’s lifetime well-being!
Severe Weather Safety and Disaster Preparedness for Pets
Although hot weather safety is often the main concern during the summer, this time of year also brings some of the most raucous of storms our way. From hurricanes to tornadoes to flooding, there are some natural disasters that may come your way no matter where you live.
For most families, knowing what to do in the event of evacuation has been a topic that’s come up before. For families with four-legged members, additional planning and consideration is needed – specifically, emergency preparedness for pets.
Preparedness for Pets: Before the Storm Strikes
Being prepared is the name of the game in any emergency situation. This means making a plan that will also accommodate your pet during bad weather or during an evacuation.
Summer Pet Safety and Ways to Keep Your Pet Cool
Oddly, this time of year, the very thing we’ve been looking forward to has the potential to cause health problems. In the excitement of this new season, we also need to be aware of the dangers connected to long, sunny, summer days. The heat index, (i.e., the potentially hazardous combination of extreme heat and humidity) is responsible for many seasonal fatalities. Keep your pet cool and implement summer pet safety measures. That way, your pet can enjoy (or at least tolerate) the scorching weeks ahead.
The Mugginess is Back!
It’s not uncommon to hyper-focus on parasite prevention during the summer months. However, in addition to warding off fleas, ticks, and heartworm, it’s important to also concentrate on other risks to your pet’s health and safety.
Contact Us!
2301 Columbia Pike #G-1, Arlington, VA 22204
Phone: (703) 920-5300
Fax: (703) 685-8860
Email: info@myarlingtonvet.com
Office Hours
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Doctors’ hours are by appointment only.