Posts in Category: Training & Behavior
Paws and Pixels: Exploring Cutting-Edge Tech for Pet Care and Connectivity

We live in an age that promotes the constant search and celebration of technology. Our gadgets and apps give the impression of endless improvement. As such, it’s unsurprising that there are always new items to improve or enhance pet health and ownership. Whether you’re looking for safety or security, entertainment, or overall wellness products, we can help you get a handle on the best in pet tech.
Continue…Eco-Friendly Pet Care: Sustainable Practices for a Greener Future

Being a responsible pet owner definitely makes the world a better place, but it’s not always earth-friendly. Between the agricultural practices, livestock management, packaging, and transportation of pet foods, the pet care industry has an immutable impact on rising greenhouse gasses. Despite this ever-growing carbon footprint, we can make a variety of changes to the ways we provide and care for our best friends. Eco-friendly pet care is not only easy and straightforward, it has a tremendous effect on the future.
Continue…Is Your Home Pet Proof?

Having a pet is a little bit like welcoming a small furry child into your home. It is important to make sure that their environment is safe. If you have never put much thought into how to pet proof your pet’s living space, now is your chance. Arlington Animal Hospital has all the information you need to get it done.
Continue…Why Is My Cat Peeing Everywhere?

One day you notice a damp stain on your couch, or a pile of clothes that smells like cat pee, and you feel equally frustrated and fearful that something is wrong. If your cat is suddenly peeing outside of the litter box, it’s a clear signal that there is a problem. Also called “inappropriate urination,” it’s important to find the reason it’s happening or the problem is likely to continue.
Continue…Why Some Dogs Bite and How To Prevent It

Some dogs offer a little nip in the arm at cuddle time, while others snarl and snap warnings before they lunge for an attack. Dogs that bite without warning put other dogs and strangers at risk, which can cause major problems from your family. The team at Arlington Animal Hospital wants to help you figure out why dogs bite, and what can you do to prevent your dog from attacking:
Continue…Pooch Pampers? Are Dog Diapers For You?

Pet training in general is not for the faint of heart. Persistence and consistency are key, and while almost any dog is trainable, it can be an uphill battle at times. Housetraining your pooch is no different. While it may be tempting to just go invest in some dog diapers, there are downsides to this solution. Arlington Animal Hospital is prepared to fill you in on the details.
Reasons Dog Diapers May Be Needed
Sometimes our canine companions make a mess, but for most dogs these are few and far between. For those that have frequent potty problems, though, dog diapers can be a lifesaver.
Continue…Sloppy Kisses: Why Does My Dog Lick Everything?

Dogs have specific calling cards like barking or digging that are quintessentially canine in nature. Another common behavior among dogs is licking. Puppies learn to lick as a way to investigate everything around them, and this behavior matures as they do. Licking allows dogs to not only taste something delicious, but also to figure out what the object is.
Arlington Animal Hospital would love to explain this sometimes cute, other times gross, behavior in canines:
Continue…Help! My Dog Licks Everything All The Time And Without Reason!

No two dogs are the same, and yet all dogs share some universal canine behaviors. To some degree, dogs cannot help doing certain things that seemingly defy human logic. Repetitive behaviors, including obsessive licking, can interrupt a dog’s sense of wellbeing. If your dog licks everything in sight, you might oscillate between wonder, curiosity, irritation, and confusion. Because of their individuality, their behavior is unique to them. But there are definitely ways you can address this canine trait before it gets out of hand.
Continue…Sneak Attack: How to Train a Kitten Not to Scratch

Dogs dig. Cows chew. Kittens? They love to scratch. This scratching behavior is something they will grow up with, as scratching is a part of a feline’s natural behavior. But if your wee little one is shredding you and the furniture, it’s time to figure out ways to curb the excessive scratching.
Your friends at Arlington Animal Hospital are here to give you some helpful suggestions how to train a kitten not to scratch. Yes, it is possible!
Continue…When It Comes to Feline Body Language, Look at the Tail

Dogs use their tails in a fairly straightforward way. They wag it uncontrollably when they’re happy, and that’s about it! Cats, on the other paw, come equipped with precise tail movements designed to communicate exactly what they’re feeling. The trouble is, not everyone is listening.
When owners pay close attention to feline body language, and specifically how the tail looks, they are more likely to give their fluffy buddy exactly what they need.
Continue…Contact Us!
2301 Columbia Pike #G-1, Arlington, VA 22204
Phone: (703) 920-5300
Fax: (703) 685-8860
Email: info@myarlingtonvet.com
Office Hours
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Doctors’ hours are by appointment only.