Can Vaping Hurt Pets?

There’s nothing like relaxing at home with your cat (or dog). You settle onto the couch, queue up a good TV show or movie, and call your pet to stretch out beside you. Then, you fill up your e-cigarette with some e-juice and get ready to binge watch and vape the evening away. It’s a great way to wind down after a long day.
Although you might not realize it, vaping around your cat or dog can create some health problems for them. Keep reading to learn about the hazards they can face and what you can do about it:
Can I Vape in the Same Room as My Pets?
For two reasons, it’s not safe to vape in the same room as your pets. Vaping can present two types of toxins for your cat or dog:
- E-Juice Components: Two e-juice components present hazards for your pet. First, your cat or dog may be attracted to the pleasant e-juice scent and decide to try a lick or two. But, e-juice contains propylene glycol, which can cause Heinz body anemia in pets. The e-juice is also packed with nicotine, sometimes in higher concentrations than a regular cigarette. This can cause immediate respiratory distress and central nervous malfunctions. If your pet doesn’t receive immediate veterinary care, they could very likely die.
- Vaping Chemical Inhalation: Breathing vaping chemicals can also cause your pets to inhale harmful toxins. This can result in respiratory problems along with cancer of the lungs, nasal cavities, or sinuses.
Can Vaping Kill Cats?
Yes, vaping can potentially kill your cat. Propylene glycol, one of the main components of e-cigarettes or vapor cigarettes, is the major hazard. Ironically, harmful propylene glycol is a component of “pet-safe antifreeze.” This harmful compound is supposedly less toxic than ethylene glycol-based antifreeze.
If your insatiably curious cat licks some of your e-juice, there’s a good chance she’ll contract Heinz body anemia. This blood disorder typically damages a cat’s red blood cells. Symptoms include a fever, pale gums and lips, skin discoloration, sudden weakness, and loss of appetite.
If your cat shows any of these symptoms, and you suspect she has ingested e-juice, schedule a vet appointment without delay. Mild cases of Heinz body anemia should respond to treatment. However, a severe (or untreated) case could potentially lead to a cat’s death. This is a true pet emergency.
Can Dogs be Allergic to Vape Smoke?
Yes, your dog can definitely be allergic to vape smoke. Besides allergies, inhaling the smoke can cause respiratory illnesses and cardiovascular problems.
To ensure your pets’ safety, keep your vaping supplies in a cabinet your pets cannot access. Dispose of vaping-related items in a trash can with a secure lid your pets cannot open. Finally, vape outside if possible. If that’s not an option, do your vaping in a room that’s off limits to your pets.
If you have more vaping-related questions, your Arlington Animal Hospital veterinarian will be happy to address them. Call today to schedule an appointment.
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